GDRSD Extended Day & Community Education
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Arrival/Dismissal Policy

Early start students are brought to the Florence Roche cafeteria or Swallow Union extended day room and must be signed in by a parent or guardian.  Parents and students may not enter the building before 7:00 am. Any parent who drops their child off at the door before 7:00 am will be charged a $5 fee for the first occurrence; a $25 fee for the second and third occurrences; after the 3rd occurrence your child may be terminated from the program.
Florence Roche after school session students are dismissed to the gym where they are signed in by our staff and walked to the Twomey Center as a group. Swallow Union students are dismissed directly to the extended day room in the Union Building.
Middle School Club students go directly to the Twomey Center at dismissal. Parents (or authorized persons) must sign their children out at the end of the day.