GDRSD Extended Day & Community Education
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Snow Day/Inclement Weather Policy

Snow Days/Inclement Weather
Snow days are added to the end of the school year and not made up during the week/month they occur. You may not substitute another day for a snow day. When there is a delayed opening due to inclement weather the early start session does not run. When there is an early release due to inclement weather the after school session closes at 3:00 pm; we ask parents to pick up as soon as possible so our staff may get home safely. In cases of severe weather the after school session may not run. You will be assessed a $5 per minute fee if you pick up after 3:00 pm, so please have a plan ready if you will not be able to pick up your child. If you choose to pick your child up at school or have them go home on the bus please let the extended day office know as soon as possible so our staffing can be adjusted and unneeded staff can go home.